Pugh's Flowers in Memphis, Tennessee

On our website you will find full information about Pugh's Flowers in Memphis at 5645 Poplar Avenue

Based on 2 reviews

Florists in Memphis

Contacts of Pugh's Flowers

ZIP 38119

Locality Memphis

Address 5645 Poplar Avenue

Phone +1 901-682-2501

Website pughs.com

Update information

The location map and directions to Pugh's Flowers in Memphis are based on the coordinates we have: latitude 35.1044011, longitude -89.8740424. If you are going to drive a car and use the navigator, you can add the coordinates [35.1044011,-89.8740424] to the navigator and you will get where you need to go!

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Reviews of Pugh's Flowers

Fooled twice. Silly me. I have no one else to blame but myself after being burned twice by this specific Pugh's location. Let's back up. In December, I ordered an arrangement for my SO for our anniversary. I was able to put a rush delivery on it, pretty handy. Arrangement arrives, wilting. No doubt it was the back of the fridge special I was given. I send in some feedback, because hey, maybe they'd try harder next time. Told myself I should not use them again and stick with my usual florist, who is a slight hassle to use because the ship to address isn't in her web database and all orders delivered have to be called in to her for her approval. Anyways, Valentines day is coming up and against my better judgment, I go to Pugh's website, who is advertising that any orders that come in before Valentine's Day at 10 AM will be delivered. I think great, at least I am getting a guarantee. Now Pugh's has this little feature when you're adding an address into the address book that will allow you to specify a business operating hours, as to ensure an arrangement will be delivered before close. I had previously set it at 9-4 in the previous order. Her office open hours are indeed still attached to the business address book entry. I look at the arrangements. 50 dollars for just half a dozen roses. 50 dollars. 15 dollar markup for Valentine's Day delivery. Convenience is crippling my sound judgment decision making at this point. I go for it. 70 dollars for half a dozen roses after its all taxed and done. Nearly 12 dollars a rose. I wait. Valentine's Day comes and I am checking my email all day for a delivery confirmation. None. I check online for status. None offered. I trust Pugh's is diligently doing their job, my mistake, as the distance from their shop to the delivery address is 1.3 miles. I am not exaggerating that, I just mapped it on Google. 5:15 rolls around, the office is closed, and there is STILL no delivery confirmation. I call Pugh's. "Sorry sir, your order is being delayed due to the weather." Funny, no one else at the office had an issue getting their arrangements delivered by their competitors. Still with me? Here's where it gets really bad. My SO leaves work at 5:30, empty handed. Pugh's Flowers rent-a-driver shows up at 6:15 to deliver it. The office is locked up. Having no way to actually deliver the arrangement, he marks it delivered anyways! No doubt to attempt to show Pugh's fulfilled it on their end. I call the next day. The employee who answers the phone offers to make the arrangement (apparently was never made) and deliver it to the office. I declined and asked him what is the point in grossly overpaying for half a dozen roses, and have them delivered a day late. I demand a full refund. As the saying goes, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. There is never, ever, going to be another instance in which I allow myself to be gouged by this, for a lack of better word, garbage company. My only non regret in this whole matter is that I did not have to go to the store to get my refund, as other reviews have pointed out having to deal with a mouthy Tim Pugh when Pugh's messes up orders. Thanks for ruining my Valentine's Day order, Pugh's. Won't be dealing with you again.
August 17, 2022 10:52 AM, Craig D'Amore
If I could give less than 1 star, I would! I ordered an arrangement of gerbera daisies (2 gerbera daisies and some greenery) and a balloon, for my sister's birthday yesterday. They quoted me $55 for the order, which I found appalling, but agreed to pay, since Pughs had such appealing Google reviews. Fast forward 25 minutes post payment: they call to inform me that they don't have gerbera daisies (my sister's favorite flowers) but assure me that they have another type of daisy and will "make it beautiful," so I reluctantly agreed. About an hour later, their delivery person called me to tell me that he had delivered the flowers, but added that "THEY forgot the balloon." Upon further review, I find out that not only had they forgotten the balloon, but had also delivered the flowers with no card. My sister had no idea who had sent her these little dandelion looking flowers. When I called Pughs to voice my disgust, they offered to deliver the balloon the following day (a solitary birthday balloon the day after her birthday?)...I let them know that was not only unnecessary, but also ridiculous. In the end, they offered to remove the balloon charge from the order, and refund 20% of the original charge, before taxes and delivery. I ended up paying $40 for some flowers my kids could've picked out of the yard for free. Never. Ever. Again. Oh, add to it, they called my sister today and acted completely surprised when she replayed the situation to them. How horribly sad and unprofessional.
October 31, 2021 5:20 AM, Mrs. Gregoria Romaguera

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All reviews about Pugh's Flowers in Memphis have been added by our users. We are not responsible for their content and cannot be held responsible for their relevance and objectivity. But we hope that the reviews about Pugh's Flowers will be useful for you! At the moment, 2 reviews have been left about Pugh's Flowers in Memphis and the average rating on reviews is 1.0 out of 5

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Working hours of Pugh's Flowers

07:30am — 05:30pm;
08:00am — 05:00pm;
08:00am — 05:00pm;
08:00am — 05:00pm;
08:00am — 05:00pm;
08:00am — 05:00pm;

The opening hours of Pugh's Flowers in Memphis may differ from those presented, we recommend that you check the exact opening hours for today or tomorrow directly at Pugh's Flowers before visiting

Information about Pugh's Flowers

Added at September 24, 2022
11:04 AM
Updated at September 24, 2022
11:04 AM
Users rating 1 5
Count reviews 2
Reviews mark
★ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒
Latitude 35.1044011
Longitude -89.8740424

1 The Pugh's Flowers user rating is our internal metric, calculated from a large number of parameters! This metric does not reflect our attitude to Pugh's Flowers in Memphis and is just a mathematical expression of a certain formula!

More information about Pugh's Flowers in Memphis

Pugh's Flowers company is located in Memphis, at the address: 38119, 5645 Poplar Avenue.

You can always call Pugh's Flowers and specify the opening hours, the exact address, as well as find out any information by calling +1 901-682-2501.

If it is easier for you to find out more about Pugh's Flowers on the Internet then we recommend that you visit the site pughs.com.

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