Kyle Rittenhouse event at University of Memphis stirs controversy | NewsNation Now, Tennessee

Conservative student organization Turning Point USA is sparking controversy after inviting Kyle Rittenhouse to speak at college ..."

Kyle Rittenhouse event at University of Memphis stirs controversy | NewsNation Now
Conservative student organization Turning Point USA is sparking controversy after inviting Kyle Rittenhouse to speak at college ...
March 20, 2024

Video of Memphis "Kyle Rittenhouse event at University of Memphis stirs controversy | NewsNation Now" added to our site on March 20, 2024, by NewsNation.

Text description of video "Kyle Rittenhouse event at University of Memphis stirs controversy | NewsNation Now" is Conservative student organization Turning Point USA is sparking controversy after inviting Kyle Rittenhouse to speak at college ...

Video Kyle Rittenhouse event at University of Memphis stirs controversy | NewsNation Now has duration 3m 17s

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Kyle Rittenhouse event at University of Memphis stirs controversy | NewsNation Now information

Published March 20, 2024
Views 3,307
Duration 3m 17s
Added by NewsNation